Digipainting has been my main passion for the past two years. While it's hard to find time for it, I do sneak it in when inspiration hits me.
Below are some works I either did for commissions, myself, practice, or just to cheer a friend up ("Benson the Cat" can be credited to that).
I'm still new to photography, but as I travel, I find myself more and more interested in it.
Perspective tends to be a favorite of mine. I like old buildings and structures. Anything that gives depth to a picture and puts you in the scene is cool to me. I had a blast taking pictures of the Gothic architecture in England.
I've been sewing for about 3 years now, and I've been going to conventions since I can remember. I like capturing the essence of a character, and I enjoy the challenge of making these elaborate outifts.
"Jack of all trades, master of a few."
I dabble in every art form I can access. I've designed guitars, sculpted busts of old western heroes, built the occasional snow-masterpiece, anything I can shape and breathe life into.